
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Raspberry Ribbons

Every year about this time, and for as long as I can remember, my mother has spent hours in the kitchen baking. She makes the most amazing cookies, fudge, holiday snack mix, and breads! They all have a special place in my heart but the one I’m going to share today is by far my favorite. These cookies are very easy to make, tasty, and beautiful to boot—a great recipe to make with the kids, who love to drizzle on the glaze. Enjoy and Happy Holiday’s!

Start with a basic butter cookie dough:
1 C Butter
½ C Sugar
1 egg
2 ½ C Flour
1 tsp. Vanilla
¼ tsp. Salt
1-2 Tbs. Water if needed

Mix the above ingredients in a food processor until they moisten slightly. Dump out onto your counter and kneed a few times until the crumbs form into a ball. Wrap ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cut your ball into 4 equal pieces and shape into ropes about ½ inch thick. Place on parchment lined baking sheet. Use your finger to make a trough in each rope. Bake for 7-8 minutes at 350 degrees.

Remove cookies and fill each trough with your favorite jelly or jam. We like raspberry jelly best. Return the jelly filled cookies to the oven for an additional 6-10 minutes or until the cookie is set and slightly brown on the bottom.

1 Tbs. softened Cream Cheese
3 Tbs. Milk
1 ½ C Confectioners Sugar.

Combine the milk and Cream Cheese, whisk until there are no lumps. Add Sugar and beat until smooth. Drizzle over cookies with back of teaspoon. Cut into diamonds and enjoy.